Alette sitting in her bumbo.
Alette has hit her two month mark. She is growing SO fast it's unbelievable.
Her new stats:
Weight: 13 lbs 4 oz (at birth she weighed 6 lbs 15 oz) She's in the 97%
Length: 24 1/2 in (at birth she measured 19 inches) Can you believe that, in 2 months she's grown 5 1/2 INCHES! She's off the charts for height.
At two months Alette can:
Hold her head up for about 5 minutes
Smiles when you talk to her and smile at her
Sleep through the night (she slept 11 hours last night, went to bed at 7:30 pm woke up at 6:30 am)
Put herself to sleep
Things that make Alette happy:
She LOVES to eat, she eats a HUGE amount for such a small belly
Bath time, she will sit in her bath and smile and coo at us, she splashes her little legs too
Sitting up on the couch or in her Bumbo
Her Binky when she's about to go to bed, she'll suck for a little while and then spit it out when she's ready to be put in her crib
Let's not forget...Daddy makes her happiest! (written by her daddy)
She's growing like a Harker! Good for her! That's awesome about the sleeping. Makes it seem like so long ago that she was up all night doesn't it?
She is getting so big!!! She might be taller than her dad, but for sure her mom. Good to read she is doing good.
You are super lucky she is sleeping through the night so young! Jim was 24 inches at birth, crazy huh?
Yeah it is crazy, that's how long Nick was too. It's amazing how long she is, our pediatrician couldn't believe it so she measured twice. haha
Wow has she changed since we saw her last! That's great that she's sleeping so well....you must be perfect parents!
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